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Material Sensing Alarm

     This compact alarm is used to detect high or low level conditions of hopper material.
     From the 90db buzzer and large bright amber strobe light, to the lighted ON/OFF and Buzzer Interrupt switches, the alarm’s operation is simple. Turn the ON/OFF switch on and it lights up, signaling the alarm is ready. When the sensor detects a problem, the control starts the strobe light and buzzer. The operator can press the Buzzer Interrupt switch to silence the buzzer. The strobe will continue flashing, reminding the operator of a problem. When the condition is corrected, the sensor resets the buzzer and the strobe turns off. The alarm is ready for the next high/low signal.


Material Sensing Alarm

Add-On Alarm

50 Newton Street   P.O. Box 404   Norwalk, Ohio 44857-0404
Telephone: 888-844-2228     Fax: 888-717-2228
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