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Pneumatic Loader
Wands & Accelerators

  Our standard wands and accelerators are fitted for 1 1/4" hose for most applications. For the hard to load regrind, our 1 1/2" wand or accelerator can be substituted.
  The Wands have stainless steel tubes and clips to securely hold the air line. The optional Wand End Guard protects the end of the wand and keeps material free-flowing.
  The Accelerators, when used with our Grinder Spikes, can be bolted in, eliminating pull out.
  With the optional Vibrator mounted to the wand, bridging can be eliminated when loading problem materials.
  Wear-Resistant Wands and Accelerators are available for loading abrasive materials.

Pneumatic Loader Wand & Accelerator
Place mouse over picture for view of
wear-resistant wand and accelerator

Wand Vibrator Assembly
Place mouse over picture for closeup of
vibrator assembly.
Wands, Accelerators, Grinder Spikes & Vibrator
Assembly Sheet
Get Acrobat Reader NOTE: This assembly sheet is in PDF format and may take several minutes to download. To download Adobe Acrobat® Reader, please click on icon to the left.
8" Sight Glass | Wands & Accelerators | Filters | Extension Tubes
Adapter Plates | Controls | Collector Boxes | Magnet Assemblies

50 Newton Street   P.O. Box 404   Norwalk, Ohio 44857-0404
Telephone: 888-844-2228     Fax: 888-717-2228
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