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Pneumatic Loader
Collector Box

81900 Series Collector Boxes
Assembly Sheet

An easy to clean collector box mounts to the bottom of your hopper and is available with single or dual outlets. It is hinged and held securely closed with a quick-action toggle clamp. The box has a universal mounting plate for up to a 5 1/2” x 5 1/2” bolt pattern. An optional plate will allow any size bolt pattern.

Pneumatic Loader
Large Collector Box

81930 Series Large Collector Boxes
Assembly Sheet

This collector box is designed to handle from 1-4 outlets. The 12” x 12” top plate comes with bolt patterns from 3 1/2” x 3 1/2” to 8” x 8” center drilled. This allows you to drill your bolt pattern with ease. Different bolt patterns can be laid out on the opposite side. It is also easy to clean and held securely closed with a toggle clamp.

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